A Decade of Difference

Help Us Continue Our Mission of Closing Access, Knowledge, and Equity Gaps in the Communications Field

For the past 10 years, The PR Girl Manifesto has been a beacon of hope and opportunity for aspiring communicators from all backgrounds. As part of our social commitment to the community we serve, we do not charge membership fees. Instead, we are predominately self-funded and otherwise rely on the generosity of donors to fund our impactful initiatives and help close the critical access, knowledge, and equity gaps that have long plagued the communications industry.

Through our unwavering dedication, we've made significant strides. But our work is far from over. Many individuals continue to face systemic barriers to breaking into this competitive field. The need for accessible, empowering organizations like ours has never been greater.

This year, as we celebrate a decade of difference, we are launching our "Decade of Difference" Summer Giving Campaign. Your donation will help us write the next chapter of our story - one where every aspiring PR and communications professional, regardless of their background, has the chance to reach their full potential.

Your donation will empower the next generation of communications professionals to break barriers and lead the industry forward. Help us continue our mission of closing access, knowledge, and equity gaps in the communications field


Empowered 10,000+ professionals through expert-led development sessions

Facilitated 500+ career-advancing placements in top communications roles

Co-founded Hold The PRess, championing Black representation in PR

Most of our work over the past 10 years has been self-funded, but with your support, we can expand our reach and deepen our impact like never before. Donations go towards:

  • Your contribution helps fund our mentorship initiatives, connecting aspiring communications professionals with experienced industry leaders who provide guidance, support, and career advice.

  • Your donation enables us to host workshops and training sessions that equip our mentees with the skills, knowledge, and tools they need to succeed in the ever-evolving communications landscape.

  • Your donation helps us invest in the latest technology, software, and resources that our mentees need to stay competitive and thrive in their careers.

  • Your contribution supports our outreach and advocacy efforts, enabling us to raise awareness about the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the communications industry and drive meaningful change.

  • Your generosity fuels the growth and expansion of our programs, allowing us to reach more individuals, partner with more organizations, and deepen our impact in the communities we serve.

Giving Tiers & Benefits

$10 Donor Level: "Supporter"

  • A personalized thank-you message from our organization's leadership

  • Regular updates on the impact of your support

$100 Donor Level: "Friend" 

  • A personalized thank-you message from our organization's leadership

  • Regular updates on the impact of your support

  • An exclusive PRGM merch item

  • Invitation to a virtual "Decade of Difference" celebration event

$1,000 Donor Level: "Decade of Difference Advocate"

  • A personalized thank-you message from our organization's leadership 

  • Regular updates on the impact of your support

  • An exclusive PRGM merch item

  • Invitation to a virtual "Decade of Difference" celebration event

  • Opportunity to be a presenting sponsor on a virtual event or workshop

  • Discount on 2025 Summit Sponsorship Opportunities

  • 2 Complimentary summit tickets

  • Recognition as a "Decade of Difference" donor

$10,000 Donor Level: "Decade of Difference Champion"

  • All benefits from the $1,000 Donor Level, plus:

  • Supporting Sponsor of the 2025 Summit:

    • Recognition as a presenting sponsor

    • Opportunity to moderate or participate in a panel discussion

    • 6 Complimentary summit tickets

    • Exclusive access to a VIP reception

  • Fellowship Sponsor:

    • Involvement in the selection process

    • Recognition as a fellowship sponsor

    • Opportunity to mentor the recipient(s)

  • Prominent recognition on our website, social media, and annual report

You can also put in a donation amount of your choice.